Elif Kaya, a high school freshman from Istanbul, Turkey, founded One Smile Effect, an organization that aims to connect people around the globe and to provide the emotional support they need during the COVID-19 outbreak. She decided to take initiative after reading an article on the negative psychological effects of COVID-19. The article stated that people felt anxious, stressed out, lonely, and even depressed due to the pandemic. She is now working with 14 team members from 5 different countries (Turkey, USA, Canada, Mexico, and Germany), and partnering with an organization in India to solve that issue.
But how does this organization help people? One Smile Effect organizes online activities to keep people active and positive during this crisis. They have a weekly online quiz bowl, creativity days, and monthly challenges. Also, they host a free online support group for stress management and anxiety. The sessions are not moderated by a trained medical professional; however, their student volunteers are working hard to provide the best support possible!
At first, it was challenging for Elif to lead an organization that had a global impact; however, later, she realized the importance of her organization on people and proceeded with the projects. She says that "We do not only give support but receive it from our followers, partners, and team members," she concludes, "I am grateful for this amazing community, and hope to reach out to more people." To support her initiative, follow @onesmileffect on Instagram and check out their websites www.onesmileffect.com!