Hello! If you've been on Instagram lately, you must have seen that Women's Strength has positions available for people who want them! The two positions are Blog Writer and Blog Editor.
A Blog Writer writes articles for our blog. These articles don't have to be articles. They can be comics, videos, etc. You can write about anything you want. We don't have a set number of writers that we're aiming for as of now, so don't worry about not being able to write! We're accepting writers on a rolling basis, so we suggest that you apply now. It is recommended that you have strong writing skills and are fairly creative.
A Blog Editor revises the pieces made by the Blog Writers. These are the people who make sure that the pieces made are in their best form before they get published on the website. Editors will be in contact with the writers to help them improve their piece, and once the pieces are finished completely, the editors will send them to our email through the "Contact Us" page and we'll publish it. Blog Editors will also be accepted on a rolling basis.
Not only do we have these two positions available, but we also have an option for you to be featured on our Instagram and even the website. If you are a woman, teenage girl, or trans woman, colored or not, and you are a part of some kind of cause, initiative, organization, etc., fill out our Features form! One of the goals of Women's Strength is to recognize women for their achievements because the media doesn't do that. That's why we created this Feature form. If you want to be recognized for your achievements, then we highly recommend that you fill out this form. Once you fill it out and submit it, we will notify you once we are ready to post about you on Instagram. If you requested to be put on the website as well, we will notify you about when we write about you then as well.
As of right now, these are the three options that you have in order to interact more with Women's Strength in terms of applications and forms. If you have any questions regarding our mission, any of these positions, or anything else, don't hesitate to contact us! Use our "Contact Us" page to ask us anything!
And as always, we hope all of you are doing ok during the COVID-19 pandemic, and we hope to see you soon.
- Ishita